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Metro/Caltrans L.A. County Freeway Widening Accounted for Over 96 Percent of Recent Home Demolitions Statewide

Southern California has borne the brunt of harmful freeway widening, with L.A. County projects - where Caltrans partnered with Metro - resulting in mass demolition of homes and businesses

March 7, 2025

New Report Quantifies Five Years of Caltrans Freeway Expansion, including Demolitions

Over the past five year period, Caltrans tore down 623 homes and businesses, to make way for 553 new miles of highway lanes

Open Streets Return to El Monte this November

The route from North to South paints a picture of the town’s cultural fabric

Featured Reporting

Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway

Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities

No City for Old Men: L.A. Police Commission finds lung-collapsing blow to chest of unarmed Black 60-year-old “in policy”

Although Officer Brian Kolke failed to voluntarily report the use of force and prolonged Earl Roots' agony for several hours, he only received a comment card on his personnel file

Metro’s Orwellian Take: Adding Miles of New Lanes to the 710 Freeway Is Not Expanding the Freeway

Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" - and - at the same time Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes

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