The Los Angeles Dodgers, the same organization which refused to help fund bus service to the stadium and even mocked the service the nearly-broke City of Los Angeles provided at no-cost to them last season, found a new way to kick dirt in the eyes of its transit riding fans. Via press release:
As the school season closes and spring turns into summer, the LosAngeles Dodgers will provide Free Parking in the general lots at DodgerStadium for the three-game series June 16-18 versus the OaklandAthletics. Gates open at 5:10 p.m. and game times are 7:10 p.m...
..."This gesture is our latest initiative to help ensure that all of ourfans can enjoy our National Pastime at Dodger Stadium," said Dodger CEOJamie McCourt, who helped create the Commissioner's Fan Initiative atthe beginning of this season. "With the conclusion of the school year,we want to make it even easier for families to spend their summerevenings with us."
Well, now it's official. The Dodgers don't consider people that don't own cars part of their fan base. For the record, the Dodgers parking lot fits 16,000 cars. At $15 a pop, they are losing more revenue with this three day promotion to "all their fans" then they would have spent funding the bus service from Union Station to Dodger Stadium for the entire season.