Sen. Dick Durbin (IL), the No. 2 Democratic leader in the upper
chamber of Congress and a close ally of the president, broke with the
White House yesterday and called for a new long-term transportation
bill to pass by early next year -- not after the Obama administration's
preferred 18-month delay.

Durbin's remarks came at the Tri-State Development Summit, a gathering of midwestern business and political leaders. The Herald Whig of Quincy, Illinois, had the story -- and took note of Durbin's candor on the need for a gas tax increase to fund the upcoming legislation:
We have to pay for it, and paying for itmay mean an increase in the federal gas tax. Nobody wants to say thosewords. I've said them to you because unless we're honest about this,we're not going to see an (adequate) federal highway bill," Durbin said ...
Durbin told reporters that a consensus must be reached betweenbusiness, labor and community leaders to support a fuel tax increase"to stimulate new job creation in America."
The transportation plan was set to expire Oct. 1, but it has gottena one-month extension at the current funding level. HouseTransportation Chairman U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minn., wants tonearly double the size to $500 billion to catch up on crumblinginfrastructure, but White House officials have suggested they want todelay work on the bill for 18 months.
Durbin said he wants to see Congress pass the bill by early next year.
Could Durbin's acknowledgment of the tough choices ahead help push the
administration to accept a shorter postponement of the next
transportation bill -- say, 6 months or a year, as Sen. George
Voinovich (R-OH) has suggested? The answer may well depend on how the White House to pressure from Republicans, as well as some Democrats, to enact more economic recovery legislation in response to continued job losses.
a second shot of stimulus finds favor, it's more likely to come in the
form of extra infrastructure spending than as another large,
stand-alone bill. Of course, there's no guarantee that such extra
spending would be balanced between transit and highways, especially
considering the lopsided affair that was the first stimulus.
Durbin's talk of a gas tax increase obscures an even more uncomfortable
truth: a simple hike in the per-gallon levy is probably not enough to
sufficiently fund the next transport bill, given that Americans are
driving less in more fuel-efficient vehicles.
A study by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) [PDF]
found that a 10-cent increase in the gas tax, coupled with indexing it
to inflation, could be expected to raise $90.5 billion over the next
five years. Coupled with an estimated $255 billion that is expected to
come from the existing gas tax, that leaves a gap of $105.5 billion
between available financing and House transportation committee chairman
Jim Oberstar's (D-MN) new proposal.