Via the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, next Wednesday at 2:00 P.M. will be another "bicycle heavy" Transportation Committee Hearing. There's some new and interesting stuff on the agenda, such as a "bicycle anti-harassment ordinance," and some old friends such as an update on the Draft Bike Plan. Below is the LACBC's email, and once the agenda items are posted tomorrow we'll have a full review.
Cyclists! It is important that you come to Wednesday's LA City Council Transportation Committee meeting!
Here is the announcement sent by Councilmember Rosendahl's office:
Rosendahl To Host Bicycle Town Hall at Upcoming Transportation Committee Meeting
When: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Los Angeles City Hall
200 N. Spring Street, Room 1010
Los Angeles , CA 90012
Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl invites the public to attend an upcoming meeting of the Transportation
Committee that will focus its agenda exclusively on cycling issues.
Items on the agenda will include:
● An update from the Planning Department and DOT on outreach efforts relative to the Draft Bicycle Master Plan
● Report from LAPD on bicycle incidents and conflicts between bicyclists and motorists
● The Sharrows pilot program
● A bicycle sharing program for the City of Los Angeles
● Bicyclist anti-harassment ordinance
● Revisions to the Zoning Code that would increase and refine bicycle parking requirements for new development
The public is encouraged to attend and participate in the
discussion of these important issues. Please join in the conversation
and help us shape a cycling friendly future for the City of Los Angeles.