This weekend Earth Day events will take place around the world. In Los Angeles, a special screening will take place, for one night only, of an environmental documentar,y that the United Nations has selected as the Climate Change Film of the Year:
'The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning'
Quotes on the film include:
“Far superior to An Inconvenient Truth”, The Gate Magazine (Canada)
“One of the most important documentaries of our times.” Mediapeers (Germany)
“An extraordinary documentary,” Dr. Malcolm Wilson, Nobel Peace Prize, 2007
Filmmaker Mark Terry will be at The Beverly Hills HD Film Festival for a question and answer period following the film.
To view the film’s trailer please visit our YouTube Channel:
The film covers the latest findings from the scientists working in Antarctica during International Polar year regarding fauna, flora, land and marine animals, the staggering rate of melting ice, possible rising sea levels, the latest data on the ozone hole, and much more.
This was the only film selected by the United Nations to be screened in conjunction with their Environment Programme at the recent climate change conference held in Copenhagen in December of 2009, and delegate Mark Terry was able to show the film to other delegates and world leaders alike.
Out of the 8 film festivals entered that award prizes, the film has already won 7 awards for best feature documentary and the like.
Links of Mark being interviewed: