(If you live in Culver City, get your comments in on how you'd like your city to improve things for "people powered transportation" by June 18! - DN)
Approximately 75 people participated in the bicycle and pedestrian planning process in Culver City on June 12th for a three-hour community workshop. The workshop started with a presentation of the plan, presented by David Pulsipher from Alta Consulting. The Public Advisory Committee, made up of community members, then gave their input on the plan. One of the committee members, Ron Durgin, made the case for inserting a stronger vision into the plan. He showed the inspiring, short Streetfilms video, Long Beach Shifts Cycling in to High Gear, which earned the audience's applause.
For the next hour and a half, meeting participants shared their comments and suggestions for the plan, first by making general comments in front of the large group, and then by breaking up into four smaller groups to give input on proposed maps, programs, recommendations and a prioritized list of bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects. The meeting closed with David reviewing next steps, which incorporates the public's input, the plan going in front of the City's planning committee and eventually going before the city council.
It's not too late to provide feedback on this plan - the deadline is June 18th.
I appreciate all the work that so many people have put into this process. I also enjoyed facilitating this workshop and wish the community the best as they move forward.