(While working on the Wilbur Road Diet Story, I received this letter from Sargent David Krumer of the LAPD announcing that the Department had posted their fifteen minute bicycle training course online. Krumer's email is posted in its entirety after the video. I'll leave the commenting up to you. - DN)
At the Mayor's Bike Summit, a promise was made to the cycling community that there would be greater communication and cooperation between the various City Departments and the cycling community. To that end the LAPD has recently posted the training that all LAPD officers were required to take to educate them on the specific rules of the road as they apply to cyclists. The training can be found on LAPDonline in the cycling awareness section and was also posted to youtube by Joe Linton (Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee). Additionally the training may also be available soon on the Mayors website as well as LADOT.
The training was developed with input from our partners which included Aurisha Smolarski (Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition), Ted Rogers (Bikinginla/LACBC), Ron Durgin (Sustainable Streets), Enci Box (Illuminate LA), Dr. Alex Thompson (BikesideLA.org), Stephen Box (SoapBoxLA), Carlos Morales (Eastside Bike Club), and Glenn Bailey (Mayoral appointee to the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee). These activists and cycling representatives worked tirelessly to ensure your voices are heard.
Sgt. David Krumer