Just when you thought the I-405 Widening Project through the Sepulveda Pass couldn't get less popular.

Last week, news broke slowly that then Metro Board Chair and County Supervisor Mike Antonovich wants Metro staff to examine whether or not it makes sense for the HOV lanes on the I-405 to become High Occupancy Toll Lanes to offset the ever expanding budget of the widening.
The motion cleared committee and was passed by the Metro Board. Staff is expected to have a report in the next month or two. Metro currently oversees a pilot program its version of congestion pricing, known as ExpressLanes, on portions of the I-10 and I-110. The results of the program are still up for debate.
It might seem odd for Antonovich, who tells Fox 11 he doesn't actually like congestion pricing, to sponsor such a measure. The Supervisor explains that it's not a love of congestion pricing, but an over-arching sense of fairness that moved this proposal. Metro is proposing to create HOT Lanes for the I-5 to pay for expansion of the local HOV network. Since federal funds are no longer enough to cover the 405 project, it's unfair to expect the entire county to foot the bill while only drivers on the I-5 have to pay the bill for that road widening.
So what say you Streetsbloggers, should the new HOV lane on the 405 be immediately converted into a HOT Lane? Is Antonovich right?