(Update: This is a first. The Courier didn't get one thing wrong in its editorial, it got two things wrong.
Sheila Kuehl has responded. The full text of which is available at the end of the story. The highlight: "I strongly support fully building the Purple Line and never said anything indicating I would take any action, ever, to stop the project. That’s pure fantasy on someone’s part.")
This morning, in the announcement of its endorsements of the County Supervisor's Race in SD3 to replace Zev Yaroslavsky, the austere Beverly Hills Courier dropped a bombshell: both of the supposed leading candidates for Supervisor, former State Senator Sheila Kuehl and Santa Monica City Councilmember Bobby Shriver were opposed to the currently planned subway route under Beverly Hills High School.

Knowing the Courier's uneven relationship with the truth (run a text search for my name) when it comes to the Subway, we researched the positions of both candidates. For Kuehl it was easy, the specifics offered by the Courier and discussion on social media from some supporters (who asked not to be quoted in this story) made it clear she is supporting the people opposed to a route under Beverly Hills High School, even if it means killing the project, robbing their children, or making accusations in a way that makes everyone giggle. (Update: While the Courier's editorial certainly made it seem this was Kuehl's position, she says that is not so. Again, see below.)
And for this (update: imaginary) stance, Kuehl was honored with the endorsement of the Courier. But Shriver didn't even get that for siding with the subway obstructers. It turns out there was a good reason for that. Santa Monica Next editor Jason Islas contacted Shriver's office and received the following statement. Shriver is unapologetically not in favor of moving the Subway route to a more dangerous route with lower projected ridership.
Shriver stated in an email:
“My position has always been not to interfere with the settlement negotiations that are part of the current litigation.
However, in light of the probability of earthquakes in the region, I want to ensure a safe route in the area.
Metro believes it cannot place a stop at Santa Monica Boulevard due to the presence of two earthquake fault lines. Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky is convinced that the safest route is the current route with the Constellation Stop. I agree with Zev.”

Of course it may not matter what the new Supervisor, who will take Zev's seat on the Metro Board of Directors, even thinks. The project is approved. The environmental studies are done. The lawsuits against the project have struck out (thus far) in court.
Streetsblog L.A. is planning a longer preview with all of the major candidates for Supervisor District 3 before the primary election on June 3. However, given the explosiveness of this issue to Streetsblog readers, we wanted to make sure to get the best information into your hands for the two candidates quoted in today's editorial. (Update: and that best information remains that one should not trust the Beverly Hills Courier.)
But while we didn't reach out to every candidate on this issue, it didn't stop another candidate from emailing us his position.
John Duran, criminal defense lawyer and a member of the West Hollywood City Council who was recently endorsed by the Los Angeles Times, writes:
Well, no surprise. But I disagree with both Sheila and Shriver. (note: this is before Shriver denied the Courier presented his opinion correctly. Update: Kuehl, too)
I do support a line along Santa Monica Blvd someday. Maybe in the next round of funding and approval of the proposed “Pink Line” to connect Hollywood to the Ocean along the Hollywood Hills. But that is not the issue before us today.
The Constellation Station is needed now. It makes sense in building our transit grid to serve the Westside. The Constellation project also has a project labor agreement which means very important construction jobs right away. I also think that the Beverly Hills School District should not be spending $3 million in bond money fighting the subway. The new millennium is here. Los Angeles County must make the hard decisions and build a transit grid for future generations.
I must admit some surprise to see the subway rise as an issue that is being taken seriously, but it's becoming clear that Beverly Hills establishment is not ready to give up this fight and it will be an issue for candidates in June and November.
Update: 9:53 p.m.: Here is the full text of the response from Sheila Kuehl
Regarding the Purple Line, and my position on whether it should go forward, here is what I have consistently said:1) I preferred the route down Santa Monica.2) I never liked having the line go under the high school.(That's as far as the Courier got).3) I have been told that some folks are seeking a "third way" and have offered to try, with others, to see if anything could be worked out.4) I strongly support fully building the Purple Line and never said anything indicating I would take any action, ever, to stop the project. That’s pure fantasy on someone’s part.Nor do I know who the anonymous "supporters" were on social media who were supposed to be speaking for me.As the author of the bill that created the Expo Line Authority, I have consistently demonstrated, not only support, but leadership, on regional transit issues.I will do nothing that might slow down, hold up, or otherwise get in the way of, the Purple Line. We need it.