[UPDATE: It turns out we won't be able to Livestream the forum tonight. Apologies for the inconvenience. Check back later for updates on how it went.]
Can't make tonight's Livable Streets Forum at the Hollywood United Methodist Church (6817 Franklin Ave)? Then join us online at Streetsblog TV for Live Stream of the event. Or, if you want to go all 20th century, you can attend the event. RSVP at EventBrite or join the group ride put together by Wolfpack Hustle.
The race to replace Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge, who is leaving office after 12 years in office because of term limits, is a crowded race. Over a dozen candidates are vying to replace the colorful LaBonge, who has been something of a staple here at Streetsblog.
Tonight, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Streetsblog Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition and Los Angeles Walks will host a forum for candidates to discuss their Livable Streets bonafides. A reception after the forum is sponsored by Pocrass and De Los Reyes LLC, a personal injury law firm.
Anyone who can't make the forum can follow it at our Live Stream account, Streetsblog TV. We'll be broadcasting the forum live and archiving the video.
Eight candidates have accepted to our invitation. They are (in order of RSVP) Carolyn Ramsay, Fred Mariscal, Tara Bannister, Tomas O'Grady Mike Schaefer, Sheilia Irani, Rostam Sarkissian and Steve Veres.