Santa Monica’s Coast open streets festival took place yesterday. All photos by Joe Linton/Streetsblog L.A.
This article supported by Los Angeles Bicycle Attorney as part of a general sponsorship package. All opinions in the article are that of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of LABA. Click on the ad for more information.This article supported by Los Angeles Bicycle Attorney. Click on the bar for more information.
The city of Santa Monica hosted its second iteration of "Coast" - the city's open streets event. The free event featured music, booths, poetry, exercise stations, and much more. It drew thousands of attendees on foot, bike, and skates - including lots of families enjoying the car-free streets.
There is little to critique about all the great stuff at Coast, though, with only two miles SBLA will quote Oliver Twist in asking "more please?" How about doing this more often than annually? How about partnering with the city of L.A. to extend the event into Venice, perhaps including Abbot Kinney Boulevard?
Coast is one of the more pedestrian-friendly open streets events in southern CaliforniaCoast is one of the more pedestrian-friendly open streets events in southern California
All ages, all kinds of wheels (plus unwheeled feet) enjoyed Santa Monica's Coastxxx
Coast featured plenty of seating - both these metal tables and chairs, as well as picnic benches and tables - which allowed businesses to nicely spill out into the streetsxxx
Coast open streets on Santa Monica's Ocean Avenue
Readers - how was your experience at Coast yesterday?
Southern California has borne the brunt of harmful freeway widening, with L.A. County projects - where Caltrans partnered with Metro - resulting in mass demolition of homes and businesses