The city of L.A. Transportation Department appears to be nearing completing construction on the MyFigueroa complete streets project. Over the past week, the project received quite a bit of "fresh kermit" - new green paint to designate bike lanes. MyFig includes more than two miles of protected bike lanes, plus various features designed to improve walking and transit.
The main portion of MyFigueroa extends along Figueroa Street from 8th Street downtown to Exposition Boulevard between Exposition Park and USC. Figueroa's new green markings are intermittent, highlighting merging areas and other conflict zones.
Intermittent green paint designates bike lane and highlights conflict zonesMy Figueroa opens next week. Photo: Joe Linton
Figueroa now has more than a dozen bicycle signals, which prevent conflict between cyclists and right-turning drivers. Figueroa is the second street in the city to have bicycle signals; the first was Los Angeles Street. The signals have already been installed, though they are currently covered.
Bicycle signal on MyFigueroa - temporarily coveredCovered bicycle signal on MyFigueroa
Also similar to Los Angeles, My Figueroa features floating bus islands to minimize conflict between buses and bicyclists.
New floating bus island under construction on Figueroa. The protected bike lane goes between the island and the curb.New floating bus island under construction on Figueroa. The protected bike lane goes between the island and the curb.
The northern end of MyFigueroa includes a northbound bus-only laneThe northern end of MyFigueroa includes a northbound bus only lane
Though the parking-protected bike lane striping appears mostly complete, drivers are still parking along the curb, in the lane now designated for bicycling. There are signs posted explaining the new system. Hopefully as construction is completed, drivers will better understand and comply with the new system.
Signage explaining the new parking-protected bike lanes on MyFigueroaSignage explaining the new parking-protected bike lanes on MyFigueroa
Though nearing completion, MyFigueroa remains a construction zone for the time beingThough nearing completion, MyFigueroa remains a construction zone for the time being