- Longtime Safety Advocate George Wolfberg Dies at Age 82 (Biking In LA)
- Here's a List of the Most Dangerous Intersections in LA... (XTown)
- ...Surprise! Most Are in the Valley (CBS2)
- SaMo Council Votes to Go Forward with Safer Wilshire (SMDP)
- Will LA Start Building Public Housing Again? (Curbed)
- Student Ridership in Sacramento Doubles Since Students Given Free Rides (SacBee)
- The Fight Over S.B. 50 Provided Cover to Pass a Host of Other Progressive Housing, Zoning Bills (California Planning & Development Report)
- Garcetti Still Working with Trump Admin on Homeless Services (LAT)
- OpEd: Ticketing/Arresting Homeless Only Makes Problems Worse (Daily News)
- BP Wants to “Go Green,” But Those Huge Profits Will Be Hard to Give up (Forbes)
National Headlines at StreetsblogUSA. Statewide ones at SBCAL.