The city of Pomona has new bikeway projects serving riders to Cal Poly Pomona. New protected bike lanes were recently installed on Kellogg Drive. Construction is underway on a protected bikeway on Valley Boulevard.
The less than half mile of bike lane on Kellogg Drive was the site of multiple collisions that have resulted in the death of both bicyclists and pedestrians before the project was constructed. According to the a staff report, the bike lane wasn't installed due to these deaths, but was added as part of construction of new student housing and an administrative building.
The protection provided on Kellogg Drive is via plastic bollards.
The protected bikeway (and sidewalk area barrier) on the northeast side of the street have been in place for a couple years. Recently new protection was added on the southwest side of the street.

The city of Pomona also broke ground recently on construction of a two-way protected bike lane on Valley Boulevard - which will connect to the Kellogg bike lanes. The Valley Blvd project is expected to be completed by Fall 2021.
Groundbreaking ceremony for new protected bike lanes on Valley Bl in #Pomona. When completed in fall 21, they’ll connect w/ Kellogg bike lanes (shown) @calpolypomona, providing bike access for students and the community. Kudos to Mayor Sandoval & the city!
— John Lloyd (@boyonabike62) June 15, 2021
cc @StreetsblogLA

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