Watts Serenity Greenway alley transformation, Metro West Santa Ana Branch, Rail to Rail clean-up, Measure M oversight, and more:

- Monday 6/5 - Tonight the East Side Riders Bike Club will host a community stakeholder input meeting for the Watts Serenity Alley Project. Planning is underway on transforming the the alley between 102nd and 103rd Streets into a green hub for community activities and interactions. Share your input on what should be incorporated into the Serenity Alley design. The in-person meeting will start at 5 p.m. at Children's Institute at 10200 Success Avenue in Watts. Details at ESRBC Facebook.
- Starting Monday 6/5 - Metro will host a series of community meetings on the project soon to formerly be known as the West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor. Metro is in the process of coming up with a different name. Metro approved an initial build alternative that would start with just the southern 15 miles of the line - from the A Line Slauson Station to Artesia (with the full connection into Union Station to follow later). Now Metro is studying how that first section would proceed, including environmental clearance (EIS/EIR), first/last mile planning, and more. The public is invited to get updates and give input at these four June meetings: - Monday 6/5 - tonight from 6-8 p.m. at Progress Park at 15500 Downey Avenue in Paramount - Monday 6/12 - from 6-8 p.m. at the Bell Community Center at 6250 Pine Avenue in the city of Bell - Wednesday 6/14 - from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom - Thursday 6/15 - from 6-8 p.m. at the Albert O. Little Community Center at 18750 Clarkdale Avenue in Artesia Details at Metro meeting flier or WSAB project page.
- Wednesday 6/7 - Metro's Measure M Oversight will convene to receive updates on how Measure M funding is being spent. There generally are not a lot of weighty decisions at Metro oversight committee meetings, but there are sometimes insights on how sales tax funded projects are proceeding. Details and staff reports at agendas for meeting and public hearing.
- Saturday 6/10 - Metro will host a Rail to Rail Community Clean Up Event from 9-11 a.m. meeting up at the Griffith Construction Trailer at 2574 Hyde Park Boulevard in South Los Angeles. Details at Metro event page.
- Next week - Metro will open its downtown Los Angeles Regional Connector subway project on Friday 6/16.
Did we miss anything? Is there something we should list on future calendars? Email joe [at] streetsblog.org