Last Saturday, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority hosted a ceremony to mark the completion of track work. The Authority is tasked by Metro to build the Foothill Gold Line, now renamed the A Line. The Authority is currently building the $1.6 billion 9.1-mile extension of the light rail line through the San Gabriel Valley cities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, and Pomona.
A further extension through Claremont to Montclair is planned, but not yet funded. That project could get a boost very soon, as, just this week, the Governor approved a budget with additional transit capital funding.

The first order of business was extension cities' mayors unveiling a track completion commemorative marker.

That was followed by enthusiastic speeches delivered by a who's who of San Gabriel Valley leadership at the city, county, state and federal officials, plus the head of Metro and of the Gold Line Authority.

One fact to celebrate, announced by Claremont Mayor and Construction Authority Chair Ed Reece, is that the current construction is currently under budget.
Several speakers disparaged the line's recent name change. What was the Foothill Gold Line became the L Line (when Metro switched from colors to letters in 2020), though was near universally still referred to as the Gold Line. With the opening of the Regional Connector this month, the "L" was retired and the line is now the A Line. Some critics were concerned that a current push for state funding might be undermined by a confusing change in the name of the project.
After the speeches, two of the workers, Leo Avalos and Adan Avalos, hammered in the final ceremonial 230,630th rail clip (photo at top).

For more information on the project and track completion event, watch the Construction Authority's recap video, or listen to SBLA's recent interview with Construction Authority CEO Habib Balian.

Glendora to Pomona construction is over 71 percent completed. The authority expects finish construction by January 2025, at which point the line would be turned over to Metro for testing, with a public opening in mid to late 2025.
For the next 18 months, construction continues primarily on the four Foothill Extension stations, plus the line's communications and power features, parking, and more.

Back in early April, the Construction Authority completed bridge and crossing construction on this segment, including four major rail bridges. Below are bridge construction photos from late April.

Streetsblog’s San Gabriel Valley coverage is supported by Foothill Transit, offering car-free travel throughout the San Gabriel Valley with connections to the Gold Line Stations across the Foothills and Commuter Express lines traveling into the heart of downtown L.A. To plan your trip, visit Foothill Transit. “Foothill Transit. Going Good Places.”
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