Starting this Sunday, Metro is increasing subway service. The frequency on Metro B (Red) and D (Purple) lines will increase from every 15 minutes to every 12 minutes for most of the day (around 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.) on both weekdays and
weekends. This means that trains will arrive every six minutes on the shared tracks between Union Station and Vermont/Wilshire.
Late night and early morning frequencies remain about every 20 minutes, meaning trains every 10 minutes in shared-track areas.

This December, the agency will increase light rail frequency to 8-minute peak weekdays and 10-minute weekday midday and daytime weekends. Currently these lines operate at peak 10-minute headways and midday every 12 minutes.
Metro cut rail and bus service near the beginning of the pandemic. The agency fully restored bus service in December 2022, and then struggled a bit to reduce bus run cancellations to tolerable levels. Recent overall rail service languished at around 84 percent of pre-pandemic levels, which Metro cut slightly further on Regional Connector light rail lines.
Metro's welcome service increases were foreshadowed in Metro's FY23-24 budget, which approved a 12 percent rail service increase. For nearly a million daily Metro riders, the service improvements can't come soon enough.