- Tuesday 3/26 - Metro Vermont Transit Corridor Project Community Meeting. The meeting is another in the series on plans to improve mobility options for Vermont Ave. - the city's most heavily traveled bus corridor. Metro seeks to update community members on the short-term, medium-term, and long-term improvements along Vermont and get feedback from transit users and stakeholders. The meeting is from 6-7:30 p.m. at L.A. City College, Room HH6, 855 N Vermont Ave, 90029. See the event page for more details.
- Tuesday 3/26 - The Burbank City Council is taking up a Cooperative Agreement with the Metro for the Design and Construction of the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project. Staff are seeking community input on some unresolved aspects of the project, including the re/configuration of Olive Avenue. Among other things, transit advocates are asking for the Olive Avenue Bridge to be rebuilt with federal funding and the bus stop to be restored there, to allow riders to connect with regional rail. Learn more about the project and the advocates' asks here. The agenda for the 5 p.m. meeting and ways to participate can be found here.
- Thursday 3/28 - The Alliance for Community Transit coalition plans to rally prior to the meeting to demand Metro invest in transit ambassadors and alternative forms of rider assistance and care instead of the in-house public safety department/police force Metro is considering. Join them from 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at Metro HQ - 1 Gateway Plaza Los Angeles (Cesar Chavez & Vignes side of Union Station). RSVP here, email the board using their toolkit, or provide comment to the board in person at 10 a.m.
- Thursday 3/28 - Metro regular Board Meeting. The in-house public safety department is not on the agenda, but plenty of other things are, including the extension of the current Metro ambassador contract as Metro continues to transition the ambassador program to in-house. Meeting begins at 10 a.m.; find the agenda here.
- Thursday 3/28 - Metro Vermont Transit Corridor Project Community Meeting. Metro seeks to update community members on the short-term, medium-term, and long-term improvements planned for Vermont Ave. and to get feedback from transit users and stakeholders. The meeting is from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Crenshaw Christian Center, 7901 S Vermont Av, 90044. See the event page for more details.
- There is still time to submit comment on Metro's 710 Freeway expansion plans. Though Metro has claimed they are not engaged in widening, the plans for auxiliary lanes suggest otherwise. Learn more about the project here. Submit your own public comment by Monday, April 1. Comment via email to 710corridor@metro.net or by calling (213) 922-4710.
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