The L.A. City Transportation Department (LADOT) recently installed new plastic curb features (see photos below) along four blocks of the two-way parking-protected bikeway on Main Street in downtown Los Angeles. These function somewhat like wheel stop features installed in Angelino Heights, but are a slightly different rigid plastic modular curb, bolted into the street.

As of last weekend, the new curb features had been installed on Main Street from 5th Street to Spring Street, just over one-tenth of a mile.
The Main Street (and parallel Spring Street) bikeways are frequently blocked by cars. The low plastic stops aren't bulky enough to keep all drivers out of the bike lanes at all times, but should help guide unfamiliar or inattentive drivers on how to park properly.
Hopefully these quick-build improvements will prove effective on Main, and can be expanded to other bikeways throughout the city.