Agency Watch
Metro Weekday Ridership Surpasses One Million
Metro ridership is at 86 percent of pre-pandemic levels, well ahead of the nationwide average of 76 percent
L.A. City Council Committees Approve Road Widening Reforms
The city Bureau of Engineering proposal should minimize road widening at future private developments, but there are several widening situations it does not address, including BOE's own road widening projects
Advocates Push Metro and L.A. City for a More Multimodal Vermont Avenue; HLA Compliance Challenged
Metro's too-modest Vermont Avenue bus plans don't appear to comply with Measure HLA Mobility Plan requirements. It's one of at least a half-dozen Metro projects that appear to clash with HLA/MP2035.
In Pursuit that Left Two Dead, Senior Officer Heard Coaching Rookie on Everything but Public Safety
How LAPD's lack of transparency around pursuits makes addressing the risks to public safety more difficult
Eyes on the Street: Short Bike Path Under Construction, Part of LAX People Mover Project
The new path won't quite make the car-centric airport area bike-friendly, but it will connect cyclists to the future Metro Airport Connector station, serving the K Line and LAX people mover
Streetsblog Predictions for 2024
Predictions: Metro transit ridership will grow, Metro will complete freeway and rail projects, new bus shelters in L.A., and groundbreaking for high-speed rail
LAPD Officer Punched 60-year-old Black Man in Chest, Collapsing His Lung, during December Arrest
In an apparent effort to downgrade the incident to a non-categorical use of force, Chief Moore told the Police Commission that Earl Roots' hospitalization was "due to a complaint of having asthma," not the punch that collapsed Roots' lung.
L.A. Looks to Upgrade Forest Lawn Bike Lanes to Protected
LADOT and Councilmember Raman plan to add a mile and a half of plastic bollard protection to existing Forest Lawn Drive bike lanes; the project would reduce the number of car lanes from four to two.