Too Many Disappointments in L.A. City Bikeway Mileage During Fiscal Year 2022-23
Too much of the city's FY23 bikeway work had big issues: truncated mileage, downgraded facilities, long delayed timelines, false claims, etc.
Metro Responds to Missing Downtown Connector Bikeways: Agency Followed Undefined Plans, Prioritized Getting Drivers to Freeway
Metro didn't follow its own designs or city-approved CEQA-approved street standards - instead implementing not clearly defined changes that added car capacity - and omitted bike and walk facilities
Guest Opinion: Ten Years In, CA Active Transportation Program Lays Bare a Tale of Two Agencies
L.A. County needs to embrace physically-protected bikeways, robust traffic calming around schools, and similarly transformative, safety-focused projects
Guest Opinion: Metro Should Treat Walk and Bike Projects with the Respect They Deserve
Prioritizing true first mile/last mile infrastructure isn’t somehow optional; it’s how your customers get to and from the transit stations.
Eyes on the Street: Slow Streets in South Pasadena
The city has a sampler platter of quick-build temporary traffic calming installations to experience for the rest of the year
Pasadena Cuts Ribbon Celebrating New Union Street Protected Bikeway
Pasadena's Union Street Cycle Track is a protected bikeway along the south side of Union Street, extending 1.5 miles from Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway - connecting to City Hall, the Metro A Line, and many other Old Pasadena destinations.
Eyes on the Street: Recently Widened Soto Street Bridge over Valley Blvd
The newly widened Soto Bridge is disappointing from a walking, transit and bicycling perspective - and the city plans more widening on Soto just north of the bridge project
California Sustainable Affordable Housing Grants Awarded to Five Local Projects
Five southern California AHSC grants - four L.A. City and one L.A. County - will bring more than 500 transit-oriented affordable housing units, plus bus, bike, and walk improvements
Culver City Plans Protected Bikeway on Overland Avenue
Culver City's proposed ~2.5 mile Overland bike facility is mostly new protected bike lanes (about a mile and a half), plus about a half-mile of new unprotected bike lanes at the north end, and a short stretch of bike route at the south end.
Pomona is Developing a Bike Park for All Skill Levels
The project is being led by a homegrown BMXer